sábado, 14 de agosto de 2004

"Todos Têm Armas"

Veja como uma população previne saques generalizados numa região devastada por um furacão sem pedir aos políticos (inutilmente) um policial em cada esquina. E o país em questão é muito mais rico que o Brasil. O artigo foi tirado do Yahoo News hoje e fala da destruição causada ontem a noite pelo furacão Charlie na região central da Florida:

He [Harry Thomas] spent the night at his friend's home but returned to the motel shortly after the storm passed on Friday to protect it from looters. "Everybody's got guns," he said.

Lines of ambulances raced into the area to transport patients from hospitals damaged by the storm. FEMA said the hurricane damaged or destroyed six hospitals in Florida.

In Port Charlotte, Terry Frye stood guard at his home on Harbor View Lane, where part of the roof collapsed and destroyed his wife's prized piano.

Frye, a Vietnam veteran, carried a 12-gauge shotgun and had a pistol tucked into his belt. He had scrawled "looters will be killed" on one side of his house and "Allstate," the name of his insurance company, on the other.

"It was a hell of a storm," said Frye, who stayed home during Charley's passage to protect the property while his wife went to a shelter.